Home Souvenirs d'Yvonne Courage Dernier Hommage à ma soeur Huguette

Dernier Hommage à ma soeur Huguette


Huguette L. Rocheford
04 fevrier 1946 – 23 juillet 2006

Tous ceux et celles qui ont fréquenté la clinique médicale Stat ont bien connu Huguette qui y a travaillé durant des années. C’est avec tristesse que nous avons appris son décès survenu le dimanche 23 juillet à 20H45.

Sa longue bataille contre le cancer est enfin terminée. Elle était paisible au moment de sa mort et elle souriait encore. A la famille et aux amis éprouvés, nos plus sincères condoléances.

C’est au Calvary Chapel de Fort Lauderdale, samedi le 29 juillet que son mari Mark Rocheford, sa soeur Claire Laroque Laflamme, son beau frère Richard Laflamme, ses belles-filles Robin, Michelle, Nancy et Pamela-Jean, ses amis Marc Stattovich, Renée Chevalier, Manon Gagnon, et plusieurs autres, ont rendu un dernier hommage à Huguette.

Aux premières mesures de ‘Amazing Grace’, interprété par Jessica Busboom, un frisson a parcouru l’église. Tous avaient la larme à l’œil et la gorge nouée.

C’est avec beaucoup d’émotion que nous avons écouté le dernier hommage de Claire à sa soeur, et je remercie Claire de partager avec nous ce vibrant hommage.

Hommage à ma soeur

Huguette, what you see is what you get! This is what she would say when she introduced herself and that was it. What you saw is what you got.

My sister has been living in Florida for more than 15 years and through all these years each and every one of you became part of her family, so your presence here today means a lot to her. Thank you.

Huguette was a real life lover and nothing could bring her down. She raised her son in difficult times and she always stood by his side. Her smile and her eyes were so sincere and full of life that once you got to know her, you could never forget that girl.

With everything she has gone through, she still won over her disease. Finally, she had it her way, she has been a good trooper and there was always hope in her eyes. She fought till the end and she waited until her Big Guy “Mark” said “if you have to go Babe, then go, it’s ok”. She loved her Big Guy so much that she would only listen to him.

My sister was such a life lover that all her life she always said, “when I die, please don’t cry. I want you to celebrate my new life.” By then it will mean that I did my job here and that I am gone to a better place, so you should be happy for me…

So when I feel blue, I think about her, I see her face and I hear her laugh.

I miss you and I love you very much big sister.

So, until we meet again, You will always live in my heart.


Repose en paix très chère amie !