Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2024
Generated 01-Jul-2024 00:02 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2024
Total Hits 1199078
Total Files 989131
Total Pages 904828
Total Visits 429129
Total KBytes 53628573
Total Unique Sites 35039
Total Unique URLs 98680
Total Unique Referrers 7738
Total Unique User Agents 6240
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1665 5299
Hits per Day 39969 57946
Files per Day 32971 50401
Pages per Day 30160 41894
Sites per Day 1167 11675
Visits per Day 14304 18294
KBytes per Day 1787619 2790355
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 82.49% 989131
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 4.88% 58551
Code 302 - Found 0.14% 1644
Code 304 - Not Modified 3.07% 36853
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.01% 75
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.03% 314
Code 403 - Forbidden 5.50% 65894
Code 404 - Not Found 3.02% 36223
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.01% 171
Code 409 - Conflict 0.00% 19
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.42% 5004
Code 503 - Service Unavailable 0.43% 5199

Daily usage for June 2024

Daily Statistics for June 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 41791 3.49% 33713 3.41% 32284 3.57% 15938 3.71% 6235 17.79% 1996952 3.72%
2 32035 2.67% 25429 2.57% 25939 2.87% 12972 3.02% 5699 16.26% 1363334 2.54%
3 41011 3.42% 33973 3.43% 29874 3.30% 12829 2.99% 6729 19.20% 1731400 3.23%
4 48156 4.02% 36830 3.72% 35753 3.95% 15999 3.73% 5881 16.78% 2104390 3.92%
5 35232 2.94% 28422 2.87% 27589 3.05% 13179 3.07% 5581 15.93% 1450859 2.71%
6 39783 3.32% 32950 3.33% 31674 3.50% 13512 3.15% 5464 15.59% 1502788 2.80%
7 42025 3.50% 34590 3.50% 31925 3.53% 13891 3.24% 6078 17.35% 1830193 3.41%
8 57946 4.83% 50401 5.10% 41894 4.63% 18294 4.26% 8133 23.21% 2790355 5.20%
9 47454 3.96% 39576 4.00% 37402 4.13% 16795 3.91% 6536 18.65% 1875417 3.50%
10 35203 2.94% 29786 3.01% 27216 3.01% 13055 3.04% 6716 19.17% 1784581 3.33%
11 37153 3.10% 30759 3.11% 30001 3.32% 13455 3.14% 7035 20.08% 1434277 2.67%
12 47659 3.97% 38162 3.86% 32687 3.61% 16329 3.81% 11675 33.32% 2218399 4.14%
13 36175 3.02% 30312 3.06% 24440 2.70% 13313 3.10% 11056 31.55% 1691615 3.15%
14 39295 3.28% 33101 3.35% 29048 3.21% 15403 3.59% 10103 28.83% 1745157 3.25%
15 37718 3.15% 31301 3.16% 27257 3.01% 15269 3.56% 9491 27.09% 1742156 3.25%
16 47088 3.93% 38616 3.90% 36001 3.98% 15948 3.72% 10511 30.00% 1889798 3.52%
17 32145 2.68% 26833 2.71% 23633 2.61% 12224 2.85% 8168 23.31% 1685651 3.14%
18 23073 1.92% 16951 1.71% 15355 1.70% 9519 2.22% 7316 20.88% 741627 1.38%
19 35546 2.96% 27315 2.76% 25096 2.77% 11411 2.66% 8146 23.25% 1594393 2.97%
20 41763 3.48% 34032 3.44% 31469 3.48% 15296 3.56% 8306 23.71% 2158162 4.02%
21 41847 3.49% 36015 3.64% 32373 3.58% 16519 3.85% 8171 23.32% 1845251 3.44%
22 37577 3.13% 30071 3.04% 27427 3.03% 14580 3.40% 7509 21.43% 1756361 3.28%
23 35852 2.99% 28838 2.92% 26232 2.90% 13751 3.20% 7216 20.59% 1805787 3.37%
24 41415 3.45% 34750 3.51% 32033 3.54% 16903 3.94% 7343 20.96% 1889710 3.52%
25 36971 3.08% 29095 2.94% 27858 3.08% 13887 3.24% 6800 19.41% 1664791 3.10%
26 38732 3.23% 31744 3.21% 29898 3.30% 12889 3.00% 7119 20.32% 1891374 3.53%
27 40083 3.34% 34374 3.48% 32066 3.54% 14809 3.45% 6553 18.70% 1736528 3.24%
28 37566 3.13% 32587 3.29% 29277 3.24% 12255 2.86% 7297 20.83% 1568377 2.92%
29 50810 4.24% 44384 4.49% 39584 4.37% 16046 3.74% 7495 21.39% 2393638 4.46%
30 39974 3.33% 34221 3.46% 31543 3.49% 14742 3.44% 5881 16.78% 1745250 3.25%

Hourly usage for June 2024

Hourly Statistics for June 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1672 50177 4.18% 1398 41964 4.24% 1312 39380 4.35% 71134 2134010 3.98%
1 1686 50584 4.22% 1394 41834 4.23% 1305 39163 4.33% 76376 2291267 4.27%
2 1717 51525 4.30% 1388 41668 4.21% 1274 38228 4.22% 69709 2091259 3.90%
3 1711 51350 4.28% 1422 42688 4.32% 1298 38943 4.30% 73758 2212741 4.13%
4 1620 48613 4.05% 1351 40553 4.10% 1232 36983 4.09% 77636 2329075 4.34%
5 1672 50166 4.18% 1394 41848 4.23% 1243 37317 4.12% 85372 2561148 4.78%
6 1646 49396 4.12% 1352 40578 4.10% 1245 37374 4.13% 68208 2046250 3.82%
7 1597 47932 4.00% 1329 39871 4.03% 1222 36677 4.05% 70699 2120984 3.95%
8 1549 46497 3.88% 1316 39492 3.99% 1222 36674 4.05% 70125 2103756 3.92%
9 1567 47017 3.92% 1276 38280 3.87% 1143 34297 3.79% 65291 1958731 3.65%
10 1633 48997 4.09% 1327 39817 4.03% 1180 35409 3.91% 76352 2290557 4.27%
11 1540 46209 3.85% 1304 39148 3.96% 1186 35588 3.93% 71848 2155435 4.02%
12 1625 48766 4.07% 1316 39503 3.99% 1182 35468 3.92% 80287 2408615 4.49%
13 1751 52535 4.38% 1347 40438 4.09% 1255 37666 4.16% 73231 2196916 4.10%
14 1639 49173 4.10% 1333 39993 4.04% 1234 37033 4.09% 66162 1984848 3.70%
15 1578 47360 3.95% 1322 39689 4.01% 1184 35538 3.93% 70574 2117221 3.95%
16 1715 51464 4.29% 1407 42232 4.27% 1283 38492 4.25% 82624 2478709 4.62%
17 1828 54843 4.57% 1472 44184 4.47% 1357 40735 4.50% 78012 2340347 4.36%
18 1663 49893 4.16% 1404 42143 4.26% 1300 39019 4.31% 69730 2091890 3.90%
19 1807 54233 4.52% 1489 44677 4.52% 1370 41125 4.55% 76726 2301793 4.29%
20 1530 45906 3.83% 1303 39110 3.95% 1186 35591 3.93% 75847 2275409 4.24%
21 1813 54412 4.54% 1508 45253 4.58% 1305 39173 4.33% 78741 2362232 4.40%
22 1718 51557 4.30% 1425 42770 4.32% 1350 40516 4.48% 70014 2100432 3.92%
23 1682 50473 4.21% 1379 41398 4.19% 1281 38439 4.25% 89165 2674945 4.99%

Top 30 of 98680 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 313624 26.16% 21181299 39.50% /
2 65842 5.49% 0 0.00% /wp-cron.php
3 15760 1.31% 41202 0.08% /wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed
4 8289 0.69% 83443 0.16% /pubnix-stats/
5 3732 0.31% 435 0.00% /robots.txt
6 1703 0.14% 14429 0.03% /wp-login.php
7 1283 0.11% 35916 0.07% /wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css
8 1283 0.11% 4216 0.01% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js
9 1281 0.11% 541 0.00% /wp-content/themes/Newsmag/includes/js/tagdiv-theme.min.js
10 1279 0.11% 23871 0.04% /wp-content/plugins/wp-user-avatar/assets/select2/select2.min.js
11 1272 0.11% 3494 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/swv/js/
12 1271 0.11% 526 0.00% /wp-content/plugins/quick-pagepost-redirect-plugin/js/qppr_frontend_script.min.js
13 1270 0.11% 5042 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/wp-user-avatar/assets/select2/select2.min.css
14 1268 0.11% 3947 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/js/
15 1260 0.11% 28620 0.05% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.min.js
16 1256 0.10% 3964 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/google-language-translator/js/scripts.js
17 1255 0.10% 5696 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/wp-user-avatar/assets/js/frontend.min.js
18 1252 0.10% 42826 0.08% /wp-content/plugins/google-language-translator/css/style.css
19 1248 0.10% 16898 0.03% /wp-content/plugins/wp-user-avatar/assets/flatpickr/flatpickr.min.js
20 1243 0.10% 50030 0.09% /wp-content/themes/Newsmag/style.css
21 1238 0.10% 958 0.00% /wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/css/styles.css
22 1237 0.10% 4131 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/wp-user-avatar/assets/flatpickr/flatpickr.min.css
23 1226 0.10% 36303 0.07% /wp-content/plugins/wp-user-avatar/assets/css/frontend.min.css
24 1225 0.10% 1836 0.00% /wp-content/plugins/google-language-translator/css/toolbar.css
25 1220 0.10% 1764 0.00% /wp-content/plugins/newsletter/style.css
26 1153 0.10% 512 0.00% /xmlrpc.php
27 1029 0.09% 12143 0.02% /wp-content/themes/Newsmag/images/icons/newsmag.woff
28 904 0.08% 36691 0.07% /page-d-exemple/
29 833 0.07% 109660 0.20% /pubnix-stats/usage_202405.html
30 739 0.06% 81546 0.15% /pubnix-stats/usage_202406.html

Top 10 of 98680 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 313624 26.16% 21181299 39.50% /
2 29 0.00% 502723 0.94% /wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Desj-FLO_OffresServicesWeb_juillet2020_V4-1-1.mp4
3 11 0.00% 205408 0.38% /wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Duo-Christiane-Carolyne.m4v
4 15 0.00% 199274 0.37% /wp-content/uploads/2021/12/20211211-CALIBRÉ.mp3
5 24 0.00% 182437 0.34% /wp-content/uploads/2021/06/video-1622728341.mp4
6 16 0.00% 177749 0.33% /wp-content/uploads/2021/11/20211113-CALIBRÉ.mp3
7 15 0.00% 175311 0.33% /wp-content/uploads/2021/07/20210917-CALIBRÉ-1.mp3
8 14 0.00% 159804 0.30% /wp-content/uploads/2021/06/20210717-CALIBRÉ-1.mp3
9 14 0.00% 143949 0.27% /wp-content/uploads/2022/01/20211225-CALIBRÉ-2.mp3
10 13 0.00% 142030 0.26% /wp-content/uploads/2021/06/20210626-CALIBRÉ.mp3

Top 10 of 56105 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 313624 26.16% 109046 30.29% /
2 8289 0.69% 4980 1.38% /pubnix-stats/
3 1272 0.11% 1264 0.35% /wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/swv/js/
4 1268 0.11% 1237 0.34% /wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/js/
5 739 0.06% 560 0.16% /pubnix-stats/usage_202406.html
6 833 0.07% 536 0.15% /pubnix-stats/usage_202405.html
7 904 0.08% 357 0.10% /page-d-exemple/
8 459 0.04% 328 0.09% /feed/
9 399 0.03% 309 0.09% /me-marcelle-poirier/
10 362 0.03% 243 0.07% /flash-floride/plages-bioluminescentes-de-la-floride/

Top 10 of 56469 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 313624 26.16% 108464 30.18% /
2 8289 0.69% 5006 1.39% /pubnix-stats/
3 1268 0.11% 1260 0.35% /wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/js/
4 1272 0.11% 1239 0.34% /wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/swv/js/
5 739 0.06% 559 0.16% /pubnix-stats/usage_202406.html
6 833 0.07% 527 0.15% /pubnix-stats/usage_202405.html
7 459 0.04% 319 0.09% /feed/
8 399 0.03% 295 0.08% /me-marcelle-poirier/
9 362 0.03% 257 0.07% /flash-floride/plages-bioluminescentes-de-la-floride/
10 224 0.02% 166 0.05% /le-billet-de-michele/flaner-a-bayside/

Top 30 of 35039 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 121269 10.11% 121259 12.26% 64953 0.12% 47 0.01%
2 2923 0.24% 2789 0.28% 125365 0.23% 348 0.08%
3 2909 0.24% 2769 0.28% 117342 0.22% 363 0.08%
4 2842 0.24% 2679 0.27% 115859 0.22% 364 0.08%
5 2815 0.23% 2693 0.27% 113497 0.21% 335 0.08%
6 2807 0.23% 2669 0.27% 112566 0.21% 363 0.08%
7 2731 0.23% 2588 0.26% 111045 0.21% 364 0.08%
8 2721 0.23% 2589 0.26% 111860 0.21% 363 0.08%
9 2716 0.23% 2572 0.26% 111144 0.21% 370 0.09%
10 2403 0.20% 2038 0.21% 160375 0.30% 479 0.11%
11 2279 0.19% 1985 0.20% 153382 0.29% 504 0.12%
12 2070 0.17% 1806 0.18% 155478 0.29% 468 0.11%
13 1933 0.16% 1894 0.19% 153541 0.29% 344 0.08%
14 1878 0.16% 1868 0.19% 150199 0.28% 458 0.11%
15 1851 0.15% 1839 0.19% 144861 0.27% 498 0.12%
16 1840 0.15% 1826 0.18% 148168 0.28% 471 0.11%
17 1827 0.15% 1819 0.18% 148135 0.28% 475 0.11%
18 1816 0.15% 1808 0.18% 147589 0.28% 486 0.11%
19 1813 0.15% 1790 0.18% 144771 0.27% 371 0.09%
20 1812 0.15% 1808 0.18% 147532 0.28% 483 0.11%
21 1810 0.15% 1801 0.18% 146870 0.27% 481 0.11%
22 1810 0.15% 1804 0.18% 146970 0.27% 470 0.11%
23 1798 0.15% 1789 0.18% 146313 0.27% 462 0.11%
24 1797 0.15% 1792 0.18% 146225 0.27% 474 0.11%
25 1794 0.15% 1783 0.18% 145247 0.27% 470 0.11%
26 1794 0.15% 1786 0.18% 145095 0.27% 478 0.11%
27 1773 0.15% 1767 0.18% 144545 0.27% 477 0.11%
28 1766 0.15% 1759 0.18% 141157 0.26% 475 0.11%
29 1754 0.15% 1744 0.18% 141846 0.26% 475 0.11%
30 1748 0.15% 1740 0.18% 141597 0.26% 485 0.11%

Top 10 of 35039 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2403 0.20% 2038 0.21% 160375 0.30% 479 0.11%
2 2070 0.17% 1806 0.18% 155478 0.29% 468 0.11%
3 1933 0.16% 1894 0.19% 153541 0.29% 344 0.08%
4 2279 0.19% 1985 0.20% 153382 0.29% 504 0.12%
5 1878 0.16% 1868 0.19% 150199 0.28% 458 0.11%
6 1840 0.15% 1826 0.18% 148168 0.28% 471 0.11%
7 1827 0.15% 1819 0.18% 148135 0.28% 475 0.11%
8 1816 0.15% 1808 0.18% 147589 0.28% 486 0.11%
9 1812 0.15% 1808 0.18% 147532 0.28% 483 0.11%
10 1810 0.15% 1804 0.18% 146970 0.27% 470 0.11%

Top 30 of 7738 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 856342 71.42% - (Direct Request)
2 49505 4.13%
3 49503 4.13%
4 49494 4.13%
5 49458 4.12%
6 49261 4.11% https://xn--b1aap1a7d.xn--80adxhks/
7 16362 1.36%
8 8280 0.69%
9 4191 0.35%
10 3685 0.31%
11 1975 0.16%
12 1830 0.15%
13 1237 0.10%
14 1108 0.09%
15 1108 0.09%
16 1107 0.09%
17 1106 0.09%
18 1103 0.09%
19 864 0.07%
20 783 0.07%
21 776 0.06%
22 694 0.06%
23 653 0.05%
24 527 0.04%
25 517 0.04%
26 499 0.04%
27 496 0.04%
28 478 0.04%
29 476 0.04%
30 421 0.04%

Top 20 of 23 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 10 16.13%
2 9 14.52%
3 9 14.52%
4 5 8.06%
5 4 6.45%
6 2 3.23%
7 2 3.23%
8 2 3.23%
9 2 3.23%
10 2 3.23%
11 2 3.23%
12 2 3.23%
13 1 1.61%
14 1 1.61%
15 1 1.61%
16 1 1.61%
17 1 1.61%
18 1 1.61%
19 1 1.61%
20 1 1.61%

Top 15 of 6240 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 91042 7.59% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
2 88822 7.41% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
3 84784 7.07% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
4 63908 5.33% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
5 60174 5.02% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
6 58795 4.90% WordPress/6.3.4;
7 48996 4.09% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
8 37712 3.15% WordPress/6.3.4;
9 28375 2.37% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +; [email protected])
10 26295 2.19% python-httpx/0.26.0
11 23183 1.93% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/125.0.6422.175 Mobile
12 21580 1.80% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
13 17346 1.45% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
14 14192 1.18% WordPress/6.3.5;
15 13927 1.16% curl/7.68.0

Usage by Country for June 2024

Top 30 of 56 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 693967 57.88% 542230 54.82% 30916324 57.65% United States
2 156370 13.04% 151254 15.29% 1728126 3.22% Canada
3 80914 6.75% 75664 7.65% 6293165 11.73% Germany
4 62375 5.20% 56823 5.74% 4674241 8.72% Netherlands
5 40745 3.40% 38649 3.91% 3160549 5.89% Romania
6 30514 2.54% 24563 2.48% 985349 1.84% Brazil
7 23953 2.00% 21729 2.20% 1140694 2.13% Israel
8 17587 1.47% 14339 1.45% 638112 1.19% Kenya
9 12929 1.08% 9417 0.95% 675485 1.26% Luxembourg
10 10346 0.86% 7685 0.78% 567573 1.06% Czech Republic
11 7738 0.65% 6689 0.68% 415167 0.77% Great Britain (UK)
12 7283 0.61% 5522 0.56% 253923 0.47% Greece
13 7011 0.58% 5926 0.60% 292621 0.55% Latvia
14 6425 0.54% 1390 0.14% 145491 0.27% Ireland
15 6343 0.53% 3419 0.35% 182146 0.34% Korea, Republic of
16 6126 0.51% 5534 0.56% 235844 0.44% Russian Federation
17 5377 0.45% 2983 0.30% 174348 0.33% Singapore
18 5316 0.44% 3734 0.38% 264689 0.49% France
19 4248 0.35% 2217 0.22% 125934 0.23% Japan
20 3236 0.27% 3093 0.31% 73062 0.14% Norway
21 2424 0.20% 2064 0.21% 55933 0.10% Denmark
22 1324 0.11% 410 0.04% 34206 0.06% Australia
23 1227 0.10% 890 0.09% 249272 0.46% Poland
24 1172 0.10% 531 0.05% 31945 0.06% Philippines
25 767 0.06% 386 0.04% 172398 0.32% Austria
26 597 0.05% 440 0.04% 16097 0.03% Thailand
27 542 0.05% 39 0.00% 20846 0.04% India
28 450 0.04% 447 0.05% 35312 0.07% Switzerland
29 256 0.02% 135 0.01% 6165 0.01% Belgium
30 253 0.02% 247 0.02% 17888 0.03% Pakistan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23