Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: April 2024
Generated 01-May-2024 00:03 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for April 2024
Total Hits 1111109
Total Files 849670
Total Pages 819491
Total Visits 352250
Total KBytes 45119409
Total Unique Sites 32435
Total Unique URLs 106113
Total Unique Referrers 5210
Total Unique User Agents 3085
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1780 41908
Hits per Day 42734 73247
Files per Day 32679 47925
Pages per Day 31518 66019
Sites per Day 1247 9664
Visits per Day 13548 17334
KBytes per Day 1735362 2605862
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 76.47% 849670
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 7.06% 78398
Code 302 - Found 0.11% 1222
Code 304 - Not Modified 3.84% 42677
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 34
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.01% 148
Code 403 - Forbidden 6.35% 70580
Code 404 - Not Found 5.52% 61311
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 40
Code 409 - Conflict 0.00% 28
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.25% 2833
Code 503 - Service Unavailable 0.38% 4168

Daily usage for April 2024

Daily Statistics for April 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
5 31207 2.81% 26841 3.16% 24311 2.97% 8467 2.40% 3931 12.12% 1013524 2.25%
6 60896 5.48% 47925 5.64% 42381 5.17% 15843 4.50% 6924 21.35% 2605862 5.78%
7 60050 5.40% 46546 5.48% 41662 5.08% 15863 4.50% 7942 24.49% 2251348 4.99%
8 65136 5.86% 45260 5.33% 49084 5.99% 16613 4.72% 6938 21.39% 2081843 4.61%
9 62146 5.59% 45569 5.36% 41658 5.08% 16369 4.65% 7889 24.32% 2289307 5.07%
10 58692 5.28% 41457 4.88% 39526 4.82% 17098 4.85% 7276 22.43% 1601933 3.55%
11 56450 5.08% 42465 5.00% 37746 4.61% 17103 4.86% 6233 19.22% 1657390 3.67%
12 73247 6.59% 46283 5.45% 66019 8.06% 13910 3.95% 5477 16.89% 2327537 5.16%
13 32840 2.96% 26169 3.08% 25532 3.12% 12984 3.69% 5268 16.24% 1739583 3.86%
14 38072 3.43% 28258 3.33% 27531 3.36% 12235 3.47% 7512 23.16% 1613415 3.58%
15 38529 3.47% 27377 3.22% 29878 3.65% 12495 3.55% 7619 23.49% 1773289 3.93%
16 35941 3.23% 28255 3.33% 28081 3.43% 15061 4.28% 8835 27.24% 1607720 3.56%
17 31581 2.84% 23989 2.82% 24078 2.94% 12564 3.57% 8257 25.46% 1253754 2.78%
18 31102 2.80% 23644 2.78% 23535 2.87% 12899 3.66% 7795 24.03% 1316408 2.92%
19 37362 3.36% 29223 3.44% 26622 3.25% 13762 3.91% 8075 24.90% 1954486 4.33%
20 38880 3.50% 30436 3.58% 27270 3.33% 12158 3.45% 8485 26.16% 1670497 3.70%
21 32594 2.93% 26005 3.06% 26219 3.20% 12049 3.42% 5843 18.01% 1428724 3.17%
22 28498 2.56% 22190 2.61% 22128 2.70% 10670 3.03% 5585 17.22% 1588141 3.52%
23 29677 2.67% 23603 2.78% 21585 2.63% 10327 2.93% 5971 18.41% 1302479 2.89%
24 35361 3.18% 28475 3.35% 28041 3.42% 13779 3.91% 7076 21.82% 1711118 3.79%
25 33835 3.05% 27100 3.19% 24645 3.01% 12109 3.44% 8000 24.66% 1982771 4.39%
26 51746 4.66% 41329 4.86% 38634 4.71% 17334 4.92% 8534 26.31% 1828968 4.05%
27 44136 3.97% 36411 4.29% 28457 3.47% 15610 4.43% 9664 29.79% 1639565 3.63%
28 38715 3.48% 32399 3.81% 25728 3.14% 11469 3.26% 8148 25.12% 2205494 4.89%
29 31411 2.83% 25889 3.05% 24500 2.99% 12284 3.49% 5734 17.68% 1379902 3.06%
30 33005 2.97% 26572 3.13% 24640 3.01% 13124 3.73% 6315 19.47% 1294353 2.87%

Hourly usage for April 2024

Hourly Statistics for April 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1699 44184 3.98% 1321 34361 4.04% 1299 33787 4.12% 70021 1820551 4.03%
1 1712 44516 4.01% 1311 34104 4.01% 1206 31358 3.83% 70260 1826751 4.05%
2 3261 84786 7.63% 2011 52309 6.16% 2755 71637 8.74% 107270 2789023 6.18%
3 1585 41227 3.71% 1255 32653 3.84% 1138 29602 3.61% 69901 1817433 4.03%
4 1830 47597 4.28% 1451 37744 4.44% 1204 31306 3.82% 69600 1809612 4.01%
5 1685 43819 3.94% 1374 35742 4.21% 1226 31896 3.89% 79808 2074996 4.60%
6 1673 43516 3.92% 1306 33970 4.00% 1212 31517 3.85% 65157 1694091 3.75%
7 1700 44222 3.98% 1283 33380 3.93% 1198 31156 3.80% 67692 1759988 3.90%
8 1650 42900 3.86% 1248 32463 3.82% 1211 31502 3.84% 65392 1700186 3.77%
9 1655 43055 3.87% 1281 33310 3.92% 1189 30928 3.77% 80138 2083600 4.62%
10 1647 42837 3.86% 1282 33351 3.93% 1178 30641 3.74% 91544 2380143 5.28%
11 1509 39234 3.53% 1175 30570 3.60% 1063 27654 3.37% 60240 1566249 3.47%
12 1730 44988 4.05% 1298 33760 3.97% 1246 32407 3.95% 71539 1860021 4.12%
13 1652 42970 3.87% 1286 33452 3.94% 1237 32172 3.93% 64849 1686078 3.74%
14 1788 46506 4.19% 1443 37522 4.42% 1279 33276 4.06% 77043 2003116 4.44%
15 1682 43756 3.94% 1340 34853 4.10% 1267 32948 4.02% 67903 1765489 3.91%
16 1926 50100 4.51% 1359 35345 4.16% 1351 35131 4.29% 71504 1859101 4.12%
17 1688 43898 3.95% 1330 34588 4.07% 1233 32078 3.91% 66494 1728840 3.83%
18 1702 44265 3.98% 1360 35367 4.16% 1291 33574 4.10% 67145 1745774 3.87%
19 1731 45006 4.05% 1299 33789 3.98% 1234 32093 3.92% 68902 1791442 3.97%
20 1810 47061 4.24% 1380 35901 4.23% 1335 34712 4.24% 77217 2007651 4.45%
21 1792 46607 4.19% 1400 36413 4.29% 1362 35424 4.32% 67293 1749619 3.88%
22 1783 46380 4.17% 1423 37019 4.36% 1351 35136 4.29% 68319 1776286 3.94%
23 1833 47679 4.29% 1450 37704 4.44% 1444 37556 4.58% 70130 1823370 4.04%

Top 30 of 106113 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 236924 21.32% 14884289 32.99% /
2 53373 4.80% 0 0.00% /wp-cron.php
3 26507 2.39% 69061 0.15% /wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed
4 22359 2.01% 2956257 6.55% /pubnix-stats/usage_202403.html
5 11399 1.03% 96789 0.21% /wp-login.php
6 6610 0.59% 732341 1.62% /pubnix-stats/usage_202404.html
7 3501 0.32% 408 0.00% /robots.txt
8 1889 0.17% 723 0.00% /wp-content/plugins/google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp/assets/js/frontend-gtag.min.js
9 1259 0.11% 401 0.00% /wp-content/plugins/ultimate-responsive-image-slider-pro/css/images/openhand.cur
10 1214 0.11% 41018 0.09% /wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css
11 1208 0.11% 5846 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/wp-user-avatar/assets/select2/select2.min.css
12 1192 0.11% 30755 0.07% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.min.js
13 1184 0.11% 4085 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/js/
14 1182 0.11% 4150 0.01% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js
15 1173 0.11% 43330 0.10% /wp-content/plugins/google-language-translator/css/style.css
16 1155 0.10% 960 0.00% /wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/css/styles.css
17 1155 0.10% 17047 0.04% /wp-content/plugins/wp-user-avatar/assets/flatpickr/flatpickr.min.js
18 1151 0.10% 536 0.00% /wp-content/plugins/quick-pagepost-redirect-plugin/js/qppr_frontend_script.min.js
19 1146 0.10% 36810 0.08% /wp-content/plugins/wp-user-avatar/assets/css/frontend.min.css
20 1146 0.10% 22764 0.05% /wp-content/plugins/wp-user-avatar/assets/select2/select2.min.js
21 1141 0.10% 3547 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/swv/js/
22 1137 0.10% 1742 0.00% /wp-content/plugins/newsletter/style.css
23 1136 0.10% 48083 0.11% /wp-content/themes/Newsmag/style.css
24 1134 0.10% 571 0.00% /wp-content/themes/Newsmag/includes/js/tagdiv-theme.min.js
25 1133 0.10% 1842 0.00% /wp-content/plugins/google-language-translator/css/toolbar.css
26 1130 0.10% 5838 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/wp-user-avatar/assets/js/frontend.min.js
27 1129 0.10% 4330 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/google-language-translator/js/scripts.js
28 1117 0.10% 4347 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/wp-user-avatar/assets/flatpickr/flatpickr.min.css
29 1114 0.10% 45222 0.10% /page-d-exemple/
30 968 0.09% 49606 0.11% /deja-vu/le-bbq-annuel-de-pauline-et-jacques/

Top 10 of 106113 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 236924 21.32% 14884289 32.99% /
2 22359 2.01% 2956257 6.55% /pubnix-stats/usage_202403.html
3 6610 0.59% 732341 1.62% /pubnix-stats/usage_202404.html
4 407 0.04% 305867 0.68% /wp-json/wp/v2/posts
5 13 0.00% 284148 0.63% /wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Desj-FLO_OffresServicesWeb_juillet2020_V4-1-1.mp4
6 11 0.00% 168617 0.37% /wp-content/uploads/2021/12/20211211-CALIBRÉ.mp3
7 12 0.00% 142030 0.31% /wp-content/uploads/2021/06/20210626-CALIBRÉ.mp3
8 11 0.00% 139660 0.31% /wp-content/uploads/2021/11/20211113-CALIBRÉ.mp3
9 11 0.00% 135219 0.30% /wp-content/uploads/2021/06/20210717-CALIBRÉ-1.mp3
10 7 0.00% 130714 0.29% /wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Duo-Christiane-Carolyne.m4v

Top 10 of 49127 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 236924 21.32% 82199 30.39% /
2 22359 2.01% 14045 5.19% /pubnix-stats/usage_202403.html
3 6610 0.59% 4165 1.54% /pubnix-stats/usage_202404.html
4 1184 0.11% 1150 0.43% /wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/js/
5 1141 0.10% 1122 0.41% /wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/swv/js/
6 758 0.07% 602 0.22% /feed/
7 1 0.00% 531 0.20% /wp-json/wp/v2/posts/
8 1114 0.10% 436 0.16% /page-d-exemple/
9 968 0.09% 434 0.16% /deja-vu/le-bbq-annuel-de-pauline-et-jacques/
10 293 0.03% 184 0.07% /flash-floride/

Top 10 of 48473 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 236924 21.32% 80298 29.55% /
2 22359 2.01% 14006 5.16% /pubnix-stats/usage_202403.html
3 6610 0.59% 4212 1.55% /pubnix-stats/usage_202404.html
4 1184 0.11% 1163 0.43% /wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/js/
5 1141 0.10% 1116 0.41% /wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/swv/js/
6 968 0.09% 854 0.31% /deja-vu/le-bbq-annuel-de-pauline-et-jacques/
7 758 0.07% 614 0.23% /feed/
8 1 0.00% 496 0.18% /wp-json/wp/v2/posts/
9 1114 0.10% 238 0.09% /page-d-exemple/
10 236 0.02% 172 0.06% /me-marcelle-poirier/

Top 30 of 32435 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 111659 10.05% 111632 13.14% 88983 0.20% 66 0.02%
2 2557 0.23% 2270 0.27% 95792 0.21% 272 0.08%
3 2503 0.23% 2167 0.26% 92521 0.21% 260 0.07%
4 2497 0.22% 2231 0.26% 93436 0.21% 265 0.08%
5 2485 0.22% 2177 0.26% 92095 0.20% 253 0.07%
6 2405 0.22% 2118 0.25% 88676 0.20% 269 0.08%
7 2400 0.22% 2115 0.25% 90374 0.20% 260 0.07%
8 2392 0.22% 2095 0.25% 90244 0.20% 254 0.07%
9 2346 0.21% 2048 0.24% 86509 0.19% 249 0.07%
10 2339 0.21% 2106 0.25% 88661 0.20% 253 0.07%
11 2232 0.20% 1940 0.23% 81983 0.18% 232 0.07%
12 2231 0.20% 2014 0.24% 83256 0.18% 249 0.07%
13 2213 0.20% 2143 0.25% 176840 0.39% 401 0.11%
14 2196 0.20% 2126 0.25% 172518 0.38% 411 0.12%
15 2165 0.19% 1858 0.22% 79581 0.18% 249 0.07%
16 2120 0.19% 1856 0.22% 85746 0.19% 267 0.08%
17 2025 0.18% 1766 0.21% 73730 0.16% 259 0.07%
18 2017 0.18% 1772 0.21% 73621 0.16% 241 0.07%
19 2014 0.18% 1930 0.23% 162436 0.36% 418 0.12%
20 1997 0.18% 1768 0.21% 69801 0.15% 338 0.10%
21 1960 0.18% 1898 0.22% 161472 0.36% 427 0.12%
22 1910 0.17% 1638 0.19% 70550 0.16% 255 0.07%
23 1909 0.17% 1706 0.20% 65540 0.15% 314 0.09%
24 1885 0.17% 1683 0.20% 67106 0.15% 327 0.09%
25 1866 0.17% 1630 0.19% 65212 0.14% 303 0.09%
26 1785 0.16% 1554 0.18% 62729 0.14% 318 0.09%
27 1749 0.16% 1528 0.18% 62608 0.14% 316 0.09%
28 1731 0.16% 1513 0.18% 60205 0.13% 329 0.09%
29 1707 0.15% 1520 0.18% 59907 0.13% 311 0.09%
30 1197 0.11% 1168 0.14% 89083 0.20% 381 0.11%

Top 10 of 32435 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2213 0.20% 2143 0.25% 176840 0.39% 401 0.11%
2 2196 0.20% 2126 0.25% 172518 0.38% 411 0.12%
3 2014 0.18% 1930 0.23% 162436 0.36% 418 0.12%
4 1960 0.18% 1898 0.22% 161472 0.36% 427 0.12%
5 904 0.08% 888 0.10% 103781 0.23% 307 0.09%
6 2557 0.23% 2270 0.27% 95792 0.21% 272 0.08%
7 2497 0.22% 2231 0.26% 93436 0.21% 265 0.08%
8 2503 0.23% 2167 0.26% 92521 0.21% 260 0.07%
9 1163 0.10% 1132 0.13% 92448 0.20% 391 0.11%
10 2485 0.22% 2177 0.26% 92095 0.20% 253 0.07%

Top 30 of 5210 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 809581 72.86% - (Direct Request)
2 34173 3.08%
3 34158 3.07%
4 34128 3.07%
5 34110 3.07%
6 33954 3.06%
7 23638 2.13%
8 11537 1.04%
9 5611 0.50%
10 4588 0.41%
11 4314 0.39%
12 4220 0.38%
13 4018 0.36%
14 3627 0.33%
15 2460 0.22%
16 2368 0.21%
17 2342 0.21%
18 2194 0.20%
19 2168 0.20%
20 1934 0.17%
21 1211 0.11%
22 1173 0.11%
23 1130 0.10% https://xn--80adb2aqcedv1i.xn--p1ai/
24 987 0.09%
25 949 0.09%
26 787 0.07%
27 670 0.06%
28 664 0.06%
29 597 0.05%
30 596 0.05%

Top 20 of 21 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 5 13.89%
2 3 8.33%
3 3 8.33%
4 3 8.33%
5 3 8.33%
6 2 5.56%
7 2 5.56%
8 2 5.56%
9 1 2.78%
10 1 2.78%
11 1 2.78%
12 1 2.78%
13 1 2.78%
14 1 2.78%
15 1 2.78%
16 1 2.78%
17 1 2.78%
18 1 2.78%
19 1 2.78%
20 1 2.78%

Top 15 of 3085 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 155980 14.04% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
2 75375 6.78% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
3 72155 6.49% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
4 66072 5.95% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
5 54020 4.86% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
6 48873 4.40% WordPress/6.3.4;
7 44996 4.05% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; [email protected])
8 41324 3.72% WordPress/6.3.4;
9 40483 3.64% Timpibot/0.9 (+
10 30420 2.74% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
11 19584 1.76% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
12 15266 1.37% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +; [email protected])
13 13898 1.25% curl/7.68.0
14 12921 1.16% WordPress/6.3.3;
15 12271 1.10% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/122.0.6261.94 Mobile

Usage by Country for April 2024

Top 30 of 56 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 673314 60.60% 476065 56.03% 26449464 58.62% United States
2 179668 16.17% 165760 19.51% 3121910 6.92% Canada
3 56385 5.07% 53976 6.35% 4404427 9.76% Germany
4 37626 3.39% 33890 3.99% 2926765 6.49% Netherlands
5 32422 2.92% 30724 3.62% 2621687 5.81% Romania
6 23150 2.08% 13923 1.64% 797721 1.77% Great Britain (UK)
7 14951 1.35% 11486 1.35% 508748 1.13% Brazil
8 14911 1.34% 12231 1.44% 785750 1.74% Greece
9 13722 1.23% 11006 1.30% 584769 1.30% Luxembourg
10 10906 0.98% 8806 1.04% 575541 1.28% Czech Republic
11 8724 0.79% 6393 0.75% 314463 0.70% France
12 4575 0.41% 3843 0.45% 267988 0.59% Finland
13 4445 0.40% 1846 0.22% 100133 0.22% Singapore
14 4365 0.39% 1261 0.15% 79905 0.18% Korea, Republic of
15 4018 0.36% 709 0.08% 110701 0.25% Ireland
16 3426 0.31% 1855 0.22% 122521 0.27% Latvia
17 2996 0.27% 950 0.11% 55894 0.12% Japan
18 2965 0.27% 2532 0.30% 122118 0.27% Kenya
19 2790 0.25% 2224 0.26% 159056 0.35% Russian Federation
20 2510 0.23% 1604 0.19% 445366 0.99% Poland
21 2250 0.20% 1724 0.20% 225858 0.50% Sweden
22 2168 0.20% 1008 0.12% 60979 0.14% Thailand
23 1721 0.15% 1347 0.16% 60385 0.13% Norway
24 992 0.09% 967 0.11% 41544 0.09% Israel
25 981 0.09% 828 0.10% 42489 0.09% Denmark
26 669 0.06% 247 0.03% 24173 0.05% Hong Kong
27 608 0.05% 305 0.04% 19134 0.04% Hungary
28 602 0.05% 522 0.06% 3421 0.01% Mauritius
29 515 0.05% 455 0.05% 7454 0.02% Ukraine
30 505 0.05% 405 0.05% 4363 0.01% Lebanon

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23